Life after dental implantation: what is important to know? - стоматологічний блог Sirius-Dent
2 years ago Gerontological dentistry

Life after dental implantation: what is important to know?

Life after dental implantation: what is important to know?
Changes in a person's life and well-being after dental implantation can be of two types: abrupt and gradual. The first become obvious immediately, the second can be assessed over time. What should you be prepared for and how can implantation affect your future health? We tell.

Very often, a person’s first reaction after dental implantation is shock.

— The fact is that the need for dental implantation usually arises gradually, — says Sirius-Dent chief doctor Denis Valkevich. — When teeth are lost over time: they fall out, wear out, are removed — changes in the oral cavity do not occur suddenly. A disease is a way of existence of an organism in conditions of pathological changes, that is, a problem develops, and our organism adapts to it. And of course, when the state of normality comes suddenly, sudden health appears, a person is sometimes not ready for this. It happens that patients are happy about new teeth, but more often everything in their mouth seems uncomfortable and uncomfortable. The tongue used to be completely free in the oral cavity, but now a row of teeth has appeared between it and the cheeks. The mouth could close so that the gums touched each other, but now this does not happen and the impression is that the mouth did not close at all. And so on. However, the adaptive period lasts only from 3 to 7 days, and after that you can appreciate the benefits of dental implantation.

These advantages include:

  • stabilization of diction;
  • normalization of the coefficient of chewing efficiency, which has a favorable effect on digestion;
  • psychological comfort from the opportunity to eat a variety of food;
  • equalization of facial proportions due to stabilization;
  • self confidence.

Over the years of Sirius-Dent’s work, many patients received a bonus of an excellent psychological state and mood after dental implantation. In our practice, there were many cases when, after implantation, patients successfully arranged their personal lives, successfully passed interviews and found their dream job, etc.

So it can be said that it is rare that a dental implant does not bring positive changes to your life. If you have felt the need for it for a long time, but for some reason you do not dare, maybe now is just the moment?

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Valkevich Denis

The author of the article: Valkevich Denis

Head of the clinic, maxillofacial surgeon, orthopedic dentist, the implant surgeon

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