Center of Dental Implantation
I install a dental implant in 8 minutes and provide a guarantee for its high quality.
Welcome! My name is Denys Valkevych.
I am the chief doctor of the Sirius-Dent clinic, a maxillofacial surgeon, an implant surgeon, and an orthopedic dentist.
More than 3,000 dental implants have already been installed in our clinic.
Our patients pay exclusively for a positive result. And this result is guaranteed!
If the dental implant does not take root, which happens very rarely, we replace it at our own expense.
People We Can Help
Dental implantation is used to restore either one tooth or a whole dentition on the upper or lower jaw bone. It can be performed at any age until the bone tissue growth is complete (18-19 years old).
Dental implantation is an effective way to restore teeth in case of their complete absence (secondary adentia), as well as in case of reluctance to use removable dentures.
What Will Happen If the Lost Tooth Has Not Been Restored?
- The whole dentofacial system as a functional complex may be disrupted.
- Adjacent teeth are displaced, which can lead to their loss.
- The bite changes and patients suffer from chewing dysfunction.
- Bone tissue is thinning, which requires bone plastic surgery.
- Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint occurs.
- Facial symmetry and ability to speak are affected.
- Aging processes are accelerated.
The loss of one or more teeth is not only a severe aesthetic defect that provokes the development of psychological complexes, but also the reason for disruption of the normal functioning of the entire maxillofacial system. Displacement of adjacent teeth, dental occlusion disorders and chewing dysfunction – this is not a complete list of problems caused by the long absence of a tooth.
It is important to remember! The more time that has passed since the loss of a tooth, the more difficult and expensive its restoration.
It will be like your own tooth!
Modern protocol «All at Once» — restoration of a lost tooth in one visit.
Sign up for a consultation and learn more
Sirius-Dent is a full-cycle clinic that provides all stages of dental implantation on its territory: from consultation and diagnosis to installation of the crown. Orthopedic components are made in the clinic’s own dental laboratory.
Dental implantation is the most modern and effective way to restore teeth, which has been popular all over the world for several decades. More than 200,000 dental implants are installed annually in Ukraine alone.
Cases and Stories of Our Patients
All Types of Dental Implantation
Dental implantation is the installation of a titanium implant in place of a missing tooth. The implant acts as a lost tooth root and will hold a single crown or denture.
The tooth can be restored immediately after its removal – the so-called one-stage dental implantation, or within 3-4 months after the complete recovery of bone tissue and healing of the gums. This is the optimal scenario for maintaining the health of the entire maxillofacial system. If it has been a long time since the tooth loss, then additional stages of treatment may be required – for example, bone grafting or sinus lifting in case of bone tissue density reduction.
In such a situation, we offer a modern surgical protocol «All at Once», which allows restoring the lost volume of bone tissue and performing dental implantation in one visit.
Have You Lost a Tooth in the Visible Area of Your Smile?
We can offer the one-stage prosthetics technique and install a temporary crown within about 30 to 40 minutes after installing a dental implant. The temporary crown performs only an aesthetic function. It is not involved directly in the chewing process in order to limit the load on the implant and to complete healing, but it allows the patient to stay socially active. After 3-6 months, we will replace the temporary crown with a permanent one.
We use only certified products and work with market leaders from Switzerland, Italy, Korea.
Stages of Dental Implantation (Classic Protocol)
Primary consultation with an implant surgeon. The doctor examines the patient and makes a complete clinical picture, appoints the necessary tests and develops a treatment plan.
Diagnostics. The information obtained during the examination helps to estimate the volume and density of bone tissue in place of the missing tooth, so as to choose an implant of the required diameter and length.
Preparation for implantation, dental treatment. Before dental implantation, it is necessary to carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity, eliminating the focus of possible infection.
Consultation with an anesthesiologist. If patients choose to undergo dental implantation under general anesthesia, in this case, an anesthesiologist should be consulted.
Surgical stage. Installation of an implant and (or) bone plastic surgery is performed to increase bone tissue density in case of its deficiency.
Gum formation. A special element called ‘gingival shaper’ is attached to the installed titanium implant. Its function is to ensure the correct and aesthetic position of the soft tissues around the dental implant.
Installation of the crown. This is the orthopedic stage of crown installation, which is carried out after the gums have healed. It is because of this stage that you will be able to smile at what you see in the mirror.
Patient reviews
More details about the implant surgeon
During 20 years of his work, Denys Vyacheslavovych Valkevych was refining the techniques of installing dental implants almost to perfection. That is why the success rate of dental implants in the Sirius-Dent clinic is almost 100%.
The doctor uses only certified products and materials working with such market leaders as Switzerland, Italy, and Korea. He is the ambassador of the B&B Dental Company, which produces dental implants No. 1 in Italy.
Denys Vyacheslavovych is a true professional and a master of his trade. He is capable not only of restoring a chewing function, but also of making a smile attractive.
A large part of the doctor’s job is to deal with complex and ultra-complex cases. This is where an extensive working experience of the surgeon, who has performed maxillofacial surgeries of varying degrees of complexity, comes in to play.
He is an active member of the European Association for Cranio-MaxilloFacial Surgery (EACMFS). He also belongs to the Ukrainian Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons (UACMFS).
Sirius-Dent Clinic Team
Why Dental Implants Are the Best Solution?
At each stage of dental implantation, the patient is supervised by a personal medical curator Oksana Tereshchenko.
She cares about the patient, makes sure that everything goes according to plan, and agrees on the convenient date and time of the next visit to the doctor.
What Is Important to Know
Dental implantation is the most effective, physiological and long-lasting way to restore lost teeth.
When installing an implant, there is no need for depulpation (removing the nerves) and grinding the adjacent teeth, as this is an independent structure that consists of two main parts. The implant (titanium screw with a thread), which is inserted into the jaw bone, performs the function of an artificial tooth root.
After completion of the osteointegration process (full implantation in the bone tissue and its complete healing), a crown that imitates the lost tooth in terms of color and shape is put on it.
Dental implantation allows restoring not only the integrity of the dentition, but also the full chewing function, which is the main advantage of this method compared to removable and non-removable dentures.
Indications for Dental Implantation
The indication for dental implantation is either partial or complete absence of teeth (secondary adentia). It is possible to insert a single missing tooth or implant the entire tooth row on one or both jaws.
The complete absence of teeth in itself causes significant psychological discomfort to a patient, while the use of removable jaw prostheses – which are not firmly fixed in the oral cavity – further aggravates this problem. In this case, implant prosthetics is the best solution.
Per-Ingvar Branemark, a Swedish scientist, the founder of modern dental implantology once said: «No one should die with their teeth in a glass of water.»
Removable jaw prostheses, as structural elements, do not provide a chewing function. Their main purpose is to imitate the dentition and fix the height of the lower third of a face (with adentia, it is shortened as the lower jaw is pressed against the upper). Installation of implants in the complete absence of teeth makes it possible to eliminate an aesthetic defect, restore a chewing function and help a patient to get rid of psychological complexes.
Denys Vyacheslavovych Valkevych, the chief doctor of the Sirius-Dent clinic, says:
“There are no age restrictions for installing dental implants. They were originally designed to restore the dentition in elderly patients, but today, patients at a much younger age resort to implantation.”
Preparation for Dental Implantation
The first stage of preparation for installing dental implants is a consultation with a dentist-implantologist. Further, the doctor appoints the necessary tests and sends the patient to undergo additional examinations.
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the first and most important procedure that allows accurate, 3D imaging of the volume and density of bone tissue surrounding the missing tooth. If a lot of time has passed after the removal of the tooth, and recession (resorption) of the jaw bone is detected on the CT scan – then bone plastic surgery is performed to fill the bone tissue deficiency before dental implants are placed.
If it is planned to install implants on the upper jaw, sinus lifting is performed. Through a small incision in the gums, the doctor raises the maxillary sinus floor area to fill it with bone material. If there is insufficient bone tissue surrounding the missing tooth on the lower jaw, bone splitting is performed to increase bone thickness or displacement (reposition) of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth.
If tooth extraction with one-stage implantation is planned, the patient undergoes a standard preoperative examination to diagnose the general state of health and identify possible contraindications to surgical intervention.
If dental implantation is performed under general anesthesia, the patient will be consulted by an anesthesiologist. Before having a general anesthetic, it is not allowed to eat anything (6 hours before surgery) or drink (4 hours before surgery). No special preparation is required before dental implantation under local anesthesia.
Stages and Methods of Dental Implantation
The essence of dental implantation lies in forming a cylindrical cavity in the jaw bone and installing an implant (a titanium screw) into it with the help of a special torque wrench, to control the screwing force. If the operation has been performed on the healed bone without bone grafting, then the implant crown will be installed on the upper jaw after 6 months, and on the lower jaw – after 3 months. This is a classic protocol in implant dentistry.
The technique of one-stage prosthetics involves the installation of a temporary crown 30-40 minutes after implantation. After 3-6 months, it is replaced by a permanent one. The temporary crown performs only an aesthetic function. It is not involved directly in the chewing process in order to limit the load on the implant and complete healing. At the Sirius-Dent clinic, one-stage prosthetics is performed in case of tooth loss in the visible area. A temporary crown is made of plastic or composite material and looks no different from a real tooth.
At the Sirius-Dent clinic in Odessa, one-stage dental implantation is also performed, if it is possible according to medical indications. The implant is installed immediately in the hole of the removed tooth, and the patient does not need to wait 3-4 months for the bone tissue to recover. Before the operation, a computer tomography of the jaw is performed to determine the parameters of the tooth root, the density of the surrounding bone tissue, as well as to choose an implant of the required diameter and length.
If bone grafting is required (sinus lifting, alveolar ridge splitting, reposition of the vascular-nerve bundle), installation of the implant on the jaw is carried out after several months, until the new bone tissue is formed in the area of the installed osteosamine bone replacement material. At the Sirius-Dent clinic, at each stage of dental implantation, the patient is supervised by a medical curator who agrees on the convenient date and time of the next visit to the doctor.
The success rate of dental implants in our clinic is about 100% (provided they are installed once the bone has healed). In patients with a severe inflammatory process in the bone tissue or after complex bone-plastic operations, the implant may not take root in only 4-6% of cases.
The main advantage of dental implantation at the Sirius-Dent clinic is that the patient pays only for the positive result of treatment, and this result is guaranteed. If the tooth implant has not taken root, the clinic replaces it at its own expense.
The failure rate of dental implants in patients during repeated surgery is zero. Dental implants installed in our clinic (Nobel, B&B Dental) are also covered by a 10-year warranty (provided that the patient undergoes a preventive examination and professional dental and oral hygiene at least once a year).
The cost of dental implants depends on the manufacturer. In our clinic, we use high-quality implants of different price categories from leading manufacturers; so we can choose the optimal solution for each patient. But in general, dental implantation is a costly procedure that cannot be low-priced due to several factors, including the purchase price, tools and components. The final cost is also affected by the necessity of expensive equipment for installing implants in the clinic, and the qualifications of an implantologist.
Important advantage of the Sirius-Dent clinic is that the patient knows the full cost of implantation (for the entire period) before any dental treatment starts, and the price does not change. The implantologist studies the clinical picture of a patient, appoints the necessary tests and develops a treatment plan. Further, the medical curator calculates the costs and gives the patient a letter with a list of all the necessary manipulations and prices included (X-ray, anesthesia, implant installation, suturing, etc.). A copy of this letter is kept in the clinic’s database, in the patient’s medical record.
Rehabilitation after Dental Implantation
Implantation is considered a less traumatic operation than tooth extraction. The day after the implant has been installed, the clinic administrator or medical curator calls the patient and asks about his state of health (how he is feeling). As a rule, after the installation of a single implant, there is no swelling or moderate pain, which may be relieved by common painkillers. To prevent inflammation of the gums, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.
If the implant has been installed immediately after tooth extraction, the patient may have complaints of slight swelling of the cheek, in addition to painful sensations. In case of bone-plastic surgery performed (bilateral sinus lifting with the displacement of bone blocks, connective tissue grafts), swelling and bruising may occur, but the patient’s condition remains satisfactory. Even after the most complex surgical procedures, the patient can leave the clinic in 40-60 minutes.
What Happens If You Do Not Restore the Lost Tooth?
The absence of even one tooth eventually leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the entire maxillofacial system. If you do not install a dental implant, there will be a displacement of teeth aimed at compensating the lack of free space and resulting in abnormal occlusion.
If the teeth are strongly displaced, either depulpation, grinding and crown covering or orthodontic treatment involving bracket systems will be needed to restore their correct position. In case of prolonged absence of a tooth, resorption of bone tissue may occur and result in bone grafting, which is a complex and expensive surgical procedure.
The absence of more than one tooth causes malocclusion (misalignment of the biting surfaces of the upper and lower teeth) and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (discomfort when chewing). As a result, the work of the entire maxillofacial apparatus is disrupted, with further regulating its proper operation being a difficult and costly problem.
How long after the tooth extraction can I get an implant?
With the classical method, the implant is placed 3-4 months after tooth extraction, once the bone tissue has healed. In case of one-stage dental implantation – the tooth can be restored immediately after its removal.
What is the minimum age to place dental implants?
Dental implantation can be performed at any age until the bone tissue growth is complete (18-19 years old).
Is it painful to get dental implants?
Installing a dental implant on the upper or lower jaw is a less traumatic treatment, so local anesthesia is sufficient. Painful sensations can occur only at the moment when the patient is given an injection of anesthetic.
Are there any contraindications for dental implantation?
There are no direct contraindications to the installation of dental implants. All relative contraindications are associated with the conditions in which the process of implant engraftment may be disturbed:
- Chemotherapy after cancer
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Recent heart attack, stroke
In such cases, dental implantation is performed once the patient’s health has stabilized.
Will the tooth implant take root after dental implantation?
The success rate of dental implants in our clinic is about 100% (provided they are installed once the bone has healed). If there is evidence of a severe inflammatory process in a jawbone or complex bone-plastic operations performed in this area, the implant may not take root in only 4-6% of cases.
Ask a Sirius-Dent expert at the consultation